10am – 10pm, Mon – Sun

1023 parking lots available at 11:40 PM

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Jurong Point, Swing By @Thomson Plaza, AMK Hub

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  1. Open L Privileges app
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      1. Open your device's Settings app.
      2. Tap NotificationsApp notifications.
      3. Under "Most recent," find apps that recently sent you notifications.
        • To find more apps, in the dropdown menu, tap All apps.
      4. Tap the app.
      5. Turn the app's notifications on or off.
        • You can turn off all notifications for a listed app or choose from specific categories.

    Tip: If you don't see "Recently sent," you're using an older Android version. Instead, tap App notifications and tap an app. You can turn notifications, notification dots, and notification categories on or off. If an app has categories, you can tap a category for more options.

    1. Go to Settings > Notifications > Siri Suggestions.
    2. 2. Turn on Allow Notifications.

    Source: support.google.com

    Source: support.apple.com

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